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Baby #3

pregnancy week by week //pregnancy due date

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I am writing today to fill up my mind with positive things instead of worrisome! I am feeling much better in regards to nausea. Still pretty tired but hey Kendall tired me out when I wasn't pregnant! I am looking forward to getting my initial appt out of the way on Tuesday and of course hearing the sweet music of our baby's heartbeat again which I am hoping will reassure me after my fall last weekend. I find myself wishing that we could jump ahead to find out what the baby is but I know that only time will tell!

1 comment:

*Maybe* Baby ♥ Mama said...

It's only been a couple of weeks since our journey began but we are so over the moon excited! I just wanted to drop in and invite you along for the ride - either you're a follower of my OTHER blog or just a sweet person I'd love to come along!

Hopefully, the secrecy won't last long... www.DefinitelyMaybeBaby.com

Much love, luck, and blessings!!

The *Maybe* Baby Mama