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Baby #3

pregnancy week by week //pregnancy due date

Thursday, August 4, 2011

6 weeks

Your tiny manatee has a busy calendar chock full of epic growth and development this week.
The very beginnings of wee hand plates and the early formations of what will be their fingers are already visible! And of course their genius brain is still growing like - well, a brain on fire.
The bottom half of your tiny sea-creature's body will not develop quite as fast, so they're starting to look a little bit like a quasi-mermaid/man with their hand plates on top and flipper legs and tail.
In the past weeks, your sea-monkey has been very curled up with their head and tail in close proximity, but this week their trunk and neck are beginning to grow and straighten as their tail recedes into its resting position in the back.
Even though your little one is only 6 weeks old, they're already capable of demonstrating reflex responses to touch!

Your Baby

  • This week starts a period of rapid cellular development for your baby-to-be, who looks like a mini tadpole, with a tiny head and tail. His or her eyes, ears and mouth have begun to form (though they're a little more Discovery Channel "creatures of the sea" documentary than Gerber Baby at this point). Other exciting milestones include:

  • Your baby's heart is now beating to a regular beat, although it's still too faint to hear.

  • His or her arm buds are just beginning to, well, bud. They look like teensy swollen bumps at this point. In a few days, they'll resemble itsy-bitsy flippers.

  • Your baby has grown to 1/8 inch long—about the size of one of the chocolate sprinkles on your last cupcake (and your last ice cream cone, and your last sundae and your last giant cookie ... maybe there is something to those rumors about pregnancy cravings!).

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