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Baby #3

pregnancy week by week //pregnancy due date

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

10 weeks

At this point of your pregnancy, the crown-to-rump length of your developing baby is 1.25 to 1.68 inches. It is now easier to tell how much the baby weighs since he is beginning to put on some weight. Your baby weighs approximately 5 grams and is the size of a small plum!
  • Baby is now called a fetus in "medical terms". You, however, may have chosen the name "peanut," "angel," "jumping bean" or simply "miracle."

  • The most critical part of your infant's development is complete. Now you are headed into a period of rapid growth.

  • While a bit strange to envision, your baby's head is now about half its length - Soon the rest of the body's growth will catch up but this area is prepared to keep up with the rapid brain development!

  • Eyelids fuse shut and irises begin to develop - Eye color is also determined by this point.

  • Placenta begins to function this week or next - The placenta is the organ responsible for both the provision of nutrients along with the removal of waste to keep your baby growing strong!

  • Thursday, August 18, 2011

    Week 8

    • Cartilage and bones begin to form - At the end of this week your baby will have already completed 1/5th of the journey 'til his birthday!
    • The basic structure of the eye is well underway - The position is more "newborn" like already!
    • The tongue begins to develop
    • Intestines move out of the umbilical cord into the abdomen.
    • Body grows and makes room - Two months along and this little one is growing inside and out by leaps and bounds!
    • The fingers and toes have appeared but are webbed and short
    • Baby's length (crown to rump) is 0.61 inch (1.6cm) and weight is 0.04 ounce (1gm)

    Your Baby

    This week, your little tadpole is starting to look a little bit more human. Other exciting developments include:

    • Your baby's eyelids, ears, upper lip and the tip of his soon-to-be adorable button nose are forming.

    • Junior will also sprout webbed fingers and toes this week—which you'll be well aware of in a few months, as baby starts early gymnastics classes inside you.

    • Baby's tiny heart has separated into four distinct chambers and is really ticking now—at a rate of 150 beats per minute. That's more than twice your resting heart rate (even when Brad Pitt is on the screen).

    • Your baby is now a little more than 1/2 inch long, about the size of the rock in Eva Longoria's engagement ring, and is about as heavy as the check Tony Parker wrote to pay for it.

    Pregnancy Week 8: All About Baby

    No wonder you're excited to tell someone about your pregnancy. Your baby is no longer a mass of cells, but he's looking more and more like a miniature baby-to-be. During your 8th week of pregnancy, your baby's face is becoming more defined: eyelids have formed, his nose is beginning to protrude, and his upper lip is taking shape. Where there once were only stubs, fingers and toes are starting to develop from his arms and legs. His heart is beating quickly and strong inside his tiny body.

    How Big Is Baby?

    Your baby-to-be is now just over a 1/2 inch long. He's a little bigger than a raspberry.

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    7 weeks

    • Elbows form - Again, taking a peek inside you could see your baby's fascination with bending and flexing. Later you will swear you can enlist your child as the star of the next "Karate Kid" movie!
    • Fingers start to develop - These digits often become your baby's first toy!
    • Feet start to appear with tiny notches for the toes - It is fascinating that at less than a half inch, your little guy (or gal) already is leaving "footprints" on your heart!
    • Ears eyes and nose start to appear - Although they may resemble an alien life form, these all "shift" soon enough into a more normal appearance.
    • Intestines start to form in the umbilical cord - Did you know that initially the intestines are not formed inside your baby's body?
    • Teeth begin to develop under the gums - Thankfully, right now you won't be dealing with teething pain!

    Your Baby

    • This week your baby's brain is growing at a mind-boggling 100 cells per minute within a see-through skull. If you could peer inside, you'd see those tiny brain cells growing and growing and growing (about as quickly as you feel like yours are shrinking and shrinking and shrinking with your "pregnancy brain"!). More high points include:

    • Your baby's face is becoming more defined this week. A tiny mouth hole (which will be ready to wail before you know it!), tongue, nostrils and ear indentations are visible. His or her eyes are wide open, but he doesn't have irises (the colored part) yet.

    • Baby's arm buds are growing. At this point they look more like microscopic ping-pong paddles than arms. Baby's leg buds are also forming and will look like tiny paddles by the end of the week.

    • The umbilical cord—the connection between your baby and the placenta—is now visible.

    • Your baby is now between 1/3 and 1/4 inch long—about the length of a Tic Tac and about as heavy as an eyelash. While that sounds tiny, he or she is approximately 10,000 times bigger than at conception. Crazy, huh?

    Pregnancy Week 7: All About Baby

    Your baby-to-be has been busy this week. His brain is continuing to develop. The circulatory system becomes more complex as lungs begin to form.
    During your 7th week of pregnancy, Baby's face is taking shape with his eyes showing some pigmentation, visible ear holes, miniscule nostrils, and an indentation where his mouth will appear. His digestive system and stomach are starting to form. His arms and legs are growing, but his fingers and toes have not yet developed.

    How Big Is Baby?

    This week, Baby is about the size of a blueberry!

    Thursday, August 4, 2011

    6 weeks

    Your tiny manatee has a busy calendar chock full of epic growth and development this week.
    The very beginnings of wee hand plates and the early formations of what will be their fingers are already visible! And of course their genius brain is still growing like - well, a brain on fire.
    The bottom half of your tiny sea-creature's body will not develop quite as fast, so they're starting to look a little bit like a quasi-mermaid/man with their hand plates on top and flipper legs and tail.
    In the past weeks, your sea-monkey has been very curled up with their head and tail in close proximity, but this week their trunk and neck are beginning to grow and straighten as their tail recedes into its resting position in the back.
    Even though your little one is only 6 weeks old, they're already capable of demonstrating reflex responses to touch!

    Your Baby

    • This week starts a period of rapid cellular development for your baby-to-be, who looks like a mini tadpole, with a tiny head and tail. His or her eyes, ears and mouth have begun to form (though they're a little more Discovery Channel "creatures of the sea" documentary than Gerber Baby at this point). Other exciting milestones include:

    • Your baby's heart is now beating to a regular beat, although it's still too faint to hear.

    • His or her arm buds are just beginning to, well, bud. They look like teensy swollen bumps at this point. In a few days, they'll resemble itsy-bitsy flippers.

    • Your baby has grown to 1/8 inch long—about the size of one of the chocolate sprinkles on your last cupcake (and your last ice cream cone, and your last sundae and your last giant cookie ... maybe there is something to those rumors about pregnancy cravings!).

    Thursday, July 28, 2011

    5 weeks

    The changes to your growing embryo are not quite as drastic this week as they've been in the last few weeks.
    Growth is now focused on your wee manatee's head, which is developing and growing much more rapidly than the rest of their tiny body. This is because their amazing brain is undergoing some very critical changes in order to effectively regulate their heart rate, blood circulation, and other vital functions.

    As for the rest of their tiny body, what were only limb buds last week have grown into wee limb flippers this week and their sea-creature tail is even more visible.

    Amazingly, within five short weeks of existence, your hard-working miniature manatee is already sporting the rudimentary forms of their liver, pancreas, lungs, stomach and nasal pits while their heart is increasing its circulatory capacity.

    And if you were wondering about size, your sea-monkey has grown to an impressive 5 mm in length. Growing like this only happens once in a lifetime!

    Thursday, July 21, 2011


    I couldn't believe it so I took 2 tests then of course one at my doctor's office too!
    Another baby Beach should be here around March 28, 2012.